Thursday, March 26, 2015

Any phobia leads to hatred an ideological justification for the destruction of people and Russia

Russophobia - diagnosis of "pro-Western parties'

Any phobia leads to hatred an ideological justification for the destruction of people and Russia
Russophobia - diagnosis of "pro-Western parties» | Russian Spring
What is Russophobia in Russia? - Ask a naive man in the street.
Xenophobia - this is understandable, it is hatred of strangers and we all unanimously condemn such hatred. Probably Russophobia as an option xenophobia, finds fertile ground somewhere in the Baltic States or in Central Asia, where Russian are seen as alien minority.
But how can someone living in our country, feed stable, conscious hatred of Russia and Russian? After all, Russian - is their, our, and the country around - also our, own? Strange, suicidal hatred turns out ...
True, Russophobia in Russia really is suicidal character. Due to such suicidal thinking, has mastered an active part of the intelligentsia, the country has made a double political hara-kiri: in 1917 and in 1991. Only demographic losses from each of these disasters tens of millions who have died prematurely or unborn people.
I'd like to such madness in our land will never happen again. However russophobia continues to live in his camp recruits new followers. All the so-called Russian Westernism struck through Russophobia.
The examples are not far to seek. Here are printed flagship pro-Western parties - "Novaya Gazeta". Go to any of the forums, "NG" and read what they write her regular readers. Which topic do not touch on - impossible to miss, Russophobia stink everywhere. I've recently stumbled upon a debate about the antimissile systems in Denmark, and if inhaled sulfur.
First, a few words about the essence of the subject. It seems that an educated person is not difficult to understand the role played by the missile defense system in today's strategic balance. At one time there was the ABM Treaty between the USSR and the USA, where the two sides refused to deploy defensive systems, not to create an illusion of invulnerability. Mutually assured destruction in the event of nuclear war was the best way to keep the peace. Rested on this global security.
In 2001, the Americans decided that bowed under Yeltsin Russia can no longer stand on ceremony, came out of the ABM treaty and began to move the defense systems in Europe. Like, a purely defensive initiative. Ambush is that purely "peace shield" serves as a cover for a missile "sword", and if the owner of sufficiently strong "shield" feels out of reach, the temptation to wave "sword" would be great.
In the case of Denmark, we are talking not about a protective "umbrella" that will shelter from the atomic vortex small European country. Radar missile, which is proposed to place on the Danish frigate, will become part of the global interception system and will cover primarily America - who has the most impressive offensive capabilities, and so on which account for half the planet's military spending. That is the decision of the Danes will be a step to further disruption of nuclear parity.
It is obvious that Russia, which still remains the only nuclear power, the ability to restrain the United States simply has to take aim at the Danish ships, which became part of the US global missile defense system. This is the only way to maintain balance. This is indisputable fact is known to the Danish government, our Ambassador Mikhail Vanin, inadvertently creating an episode for "NG".
That is saying. A fairy tale - the reaction of regular readers of "Novaya Gazeta".
From the title already smacked of provocation, "Russian Ambassador to Denmark threatened with nuclear weapons." What we are talking about the forced response, the author, of course, does not explain. Meaning biased wording is clear - so experienced beater command "ho!" Before baiting.
And here are typical comments regulars. Immediately following the publication of a gentleman under the pseudonym Salo Spec dehumanizes our country, comparing it with the animal: "Russia - a monkey with a nuclear grenade." Another anonymous, El Magnifico, exacerbating the effect of: "why zhivotinku hurt?" Zoological develops parallel Boris Chistyakov, "... angry dog ​​barks evil bum." And departed, and went ...
Do not indulge in illusions about the fact that hatred of commentators (as we see, zoological hatred in the truest sense of the word) is directed only against specific politicians. No, their hatred is comprehensive, it extends to the whole of Russia and the people living in it.
"The ambassador is one with the people and the president - the same ham and cattle", - says Alexander Onishchenko. "... This power, with such people, you can expect anything ... Actions mad savage with nuclear club ... can lead to nuclear destruction of life on earth," - his verdict Victor Tarasov.
Their attempts to reason with only one on the entire board, keeping trezvomyslie opponent, saying that it is necessary to coordinate Denmark such actions with a neighbor - it is normal practice. He was immediately otbrivaet Irina Chernenko: "It's in a civilized people is normal practice: the Kremlin and civilization - the concept of incompatible. And why exactly should Denmark there is something to ask his neighbor frostbitten? !! "
As you can see, most commentators accept, as an axiom that Russian - people are not civilized, louts and cattle, frostbitten, crazed savages, from which you can expect anything, and take into account their views in international politics - just moveton. But wait, is not that exactly the same thesis repeated Wehrmacht soldiers before the fatal attack on June 22?
Anybody can find at least one difference between the rhetoric and the rhetoric Goebbels fans "NG" when they start talking about Russia and Russian? There is a typical hate speech that can become the ideological justification for the destruction of this people and this country.
Any phobia leads to hatred. But she has another derivative - defamation, ie dissemination of false, defamatory or undermining the reputation information. Already mentioned above Tarasov insolently said: "The Russian government ruined the country's economy, brought it to the level of the African countries, lowered the standard of living of the people almost miserable. A beggar nation, as they say, nothing to lose. " A kind of economic basis outlined above under the ideological superstructure.
What power that ruined and how this collapse applauded followers "NG" - a rich topic for another discussion. But the Russian economy at the level of African countries - is to whom such statements are calculated?
Any Internet user can type in a search engine "GDP at purchasing power parity per capita," and a few minutes to get acquainted with the estimates of the IMF or the World Bank. It is easy to verify that the welfare of its citizens, Russia is on an average European level, just above the average performance of such as Poland and Hungary.
However, she and a half to two times less than the rich - the UK or Germany, but in two or three times higher than the European poor - Ukraine, Moldova, Albania. And the standard of living of the population of the largest African countries - Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, DRC - lower than in Russia in five, ten or even thirty times! What can there be parallels?
However, a phobia is a phobia, it takes away from their carriers the ability to rational thinking, brings to istuplёnnogo state in which any straw seems a log.
Inflamed, speakers often move from theory to practice, that is, to direct proposals for "solving the Russian problem": "Unfortunately, Europe does not have the courage to plunge all these pytriotov Russia on leaky barge and ship to float freely", - complains citizen under nickname Sergey Ivanovitch.
He depicts the possible prospects of nuclear war: "... wool will be in the name of" traditional values ​​"patriotic die from radiation in the contaminated surface. In principle, there she and the road ... "" Vata "," quilted jackets "- is, as we know from the lexicon Ukrainian Maidan, synonym Russian. More precisely, those Russian, which, unlike the audience, "NG", stubbornly remain faithful to his people.
However, some of the forum such maxims seem too radical. "Schizophrenics should be treated rather than shoot," - they pull up their excessively zealous adherents. Well, thank you, finally took pity!
Proposed to replace the genocide kulturotsidom: do not kill "Russian bydlomassu" is necessary, but only forcibly treat from the "uncivilized identity." You'll see, after a couple of hundred pricks forget his "Raska" and become "civilized Europeans." Then you can loosen the straitjacket ...
Reading these posts leaves a painful impression. Currently raving about for quite disproportionate.But, perhaps, the phenomenon is not so big, to draw far-reaching conclusions? Just think, caught a few frenzied - in fact on any website, easily set nadergano wildest statements.
And people under the clever nicknames may be commonplace trolls who work out of primitive order to incite suicide for Russia Russophobian sentiment. However, the statistics does not allow discussion breathe a sigh of relief.
Since the placement of articles in the 12-00 March 22 and until the end of the day yuzersky labor, ie to 00-26 on March 23 under it appeared 59 comments. Among these, only two (!) As for the substance problem, and only one of the two is reasonable to look for her proposed objective roots in the rash decision of the Danish Government.
Mass audience, "NG" speak on the substance does not wish and was awarded the "white crow" record number dislaykov (minus), excluding public cursing in the comments. If we subtract a couple of neutral comments purely informational content, fifty-five of the fifty-nine replicas were expressed Russophobian character in the spirit of the above-cited. And, of course, they are not collected dislayki and approval of the public.
In fact, readers of the "New" for the most part did not enjoy the privilege of intellectuals as the ability to analytical thinking, and the move began to pour ready accusatory clichés about our country and the people inhabiting it. After a short warm up the audience was brought to the ecstatic state, which killed both logic and basic respect for their fellow countrymen.
This painful dizziness typical not only for the core audience of "Novaya Gazeta", but for the entire home-grown pro-Western party that enjoys the Maidan, writhing return of the Crimea, Russian denied the right to national rebirth and rejoices approximation NATO. No dollar infusions are not able to grow so many "fifth column", if not fertilized Russophobia mental soil.
On this basis, in our country formed a cohesive, collective self-hypnosis is one continuous layer, which considers Russia a world pole of evil, and Russian national identity - the root cause of this situation. Their views - ideal conditions for the next revolutionary disaster: a "Raschke" everything is so bad that there is nothing to regret, and no one, such a society should be razed to the ground and begin to build from scratch.
Not all citizens can understand the seriousness of the problem, because we like the proverbial frog, long accustomed to Russophobia, in different proportions spilled through the pages of the media, the story films, rants politicians and comedians. We have become accustomed to kick their people and their homeland - this is not the infamy and disgrace, and quite natural criticism, and almost a sign of civic virtue.
In order to more clearly feel for what was going on, I invite all readers to make the above phrases Russophobian small replacement. Try wherever there is a speech about the Russian, put the word "Jews" or "negros" and wherever the conversation for Russia - "world Jewry" or "black race" - because the criteria for anti-Semitism and racism for a long time and explained in detail.
Read journalism pro-Western camp in this translation - and you will see that Russophobe ideology does not differ from the terry-Semitism or racism, which unequivocally condemned by the international community. Any commentator, apply it like momentum publicly, has long been acquainted with to Article 282 of the Criminal Code. But, for some reason, when phobia aimed at Russia and Russian, it is not taboo either morally or legally.
Every country, cultivating hatred for foreign nation risks losing normal human targets and end up in disaster. But the country that allows people to cultivate hatred of their own, the disaster is simply doomed.
Allow this to happen we have no right. Russophobia in Russia time to say goodbye - as politely and firmly as a year ago said goodbye to her in the Crimea.

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