Thursday, March 26, 2015

"The volunteer battalions were ordered to leave the conflict zone. However battalions Kolomoiskiy refused

27.03.15. Posted by journalists. "The volunteer battalions were ordered to leave the conflict zone. However battalions Kolomoiskiy refused to disarm and leave. Komandovanie punitive operation in the New Russia ordered a volunteer battalion, not members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard under the so-called, before April 1, leave the conflict zone. Write about it local media. Order relates primarily to combat units extremist organization right quadrant, banned in Russia. Those who want to stay in the Donbass, alternatively asked to write a report and join the official're coming out units. In the most extremist organization concluded their militants regard as a betrayal . A previously heard allegations that the right sector is not bound by the decision of the Kiev authorities to dissolve the volunteer battalions, if such will appear. "
910 viewsKolomoiskiy battalions refused to disarm and leave the conflict zone 26/03/15
2,345 viewsKolomoiskiy battalions refused to disarm and leave the conflict zone 26/03/15

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