US confession: Putin is not to blame for the shooting of MH17
The US intelligence blow to the propaganda retreat: They told media representatives in Washington that there is no direct connection to the Russian government for firing MH17.
The CIA can not exclude that the shooters from Ukraine have come from the government Poroshenko.
The news agencies Reuters and AP - both informed always very good about the thoughts of services - reported unanimously that intelligence officials had said in a press briefing: You do not know who MH17 shot ha t - not even the nationality must be determined.
Reuters literally:
"Pro-Russian separatists have the Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine, according to estimates by US intelligence officials probably shot down by mistake. But the United States did not know exactly who had just fired ground-to-air missile, it said on Tuesday from the intelligence community.Thus, Russia continues to supply weapons such as tanks and missiles to the rebels. "
The Associated Press (AP) delivered under the heading "There is no connection between the Russian government and the downing of the plane," the testimony of a secret service man:
"If you ask us, who shot the rocket: We know of no name, we know of no rank, we're not even a hundred percent sure what nationality is the shooter. There will be no Perry Mason moment here. "
The Los Angeles Times speculated that the rebels with a worked inadequate radar device should have and therefore confused the civilian machine with a Ukrainian military machine.
Because of the referenced AP admission that the secret can not even determine the nationality, consistent with a report by Robert Parry, consequently, the CIA should have been pretty shocked when she got the satellite photos to face . Parry writes:
"My source has already been delivered to me in the past true information in similar cases, told me: The US intelligence agencies have detailed satellite images of the suspected missile launch battery from which the fatal rocket was fired. But the battery seems to be under the to have been control by soldiers of the Ukrainian government army. Their clothing looks as if they were Ukrainian uniforms.
The source said that the CIA analysts did not rule out that they are rebels from eastern Ukraine, the wear similar uniforms. However, the original estimate was that it is Ukrainian soldiers. There was also the suggestion that the question undisciplined soldiers and possibly drunk were. The satellite images showed at the bottom of beer bottles scattered on the field, the source said. "
Therefore, the intelligence sent before Tuesday CNN: They turned the transmitter a photo from the year 2010 with a Power Point sketch - as evidence of the offense by the rebels.
The ARD had announced on Friday that the US spy satellites would explain all procedures.
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