#DNR puts junta an ultimatum: Today we'll return heavy weapons in #Novorossiya #Front

The head of the unrecognized republic of Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko delivered an ultimatum Ukrainian troops.
If the APU is not'll take heavy weapons from the front line to 18.00 local time, the militia returned to the forefront of his technique. Practically, this means a direct violation of the Minsk agreements and the cessation of the armistice. Official Kiev, in turn, talks about the lies of their opponents.
In the community "Reports from the militia of New Russia" published a statement DNR leader Alexander Zakharchenko. It Ukrainian side actually put an ultimatum.
"If Ukraine to 18.00 withdraws heavy weapons, the army DNR return their equipment to the front lines," - said in a statement.
A few hours after the publication of this record was for some reason removed. In "Gazety.Ru" remained printskrin this post. Head of the department of international information service of the political department of the Ministry of Defence DNR Vladislav Brig confirmed "the Newspaper" that Zaharchenko really made such a statement, but refused to tell the details.
"Such a statement Zakharchenko was, but I can comment on it only after 18.00", - said Brig.
He also did not tell in what format will be made the decision to return to the forefront of technology.
Speaker of the Ukrainian General Staff Vladislav Seleznev said statements Zaharchenko provocation.
"The Armed Forces of Ukraine (APU) to perform the mission of the guarantor of peace and tranquility in the east of the country. And we have fulfilled the commitments made over the Minsk Agreement," - said Seleznev.
He added that the monitoring of compliance with the Ukrainian side agreements are constantly monitoring the representatives of the OSCE mission.
"They always come to those sites where we took weapons and heavy equipment. Up to the fact that they check the number of the technology that is preserved in accordance with the Minsk Agreement. At the forefront are only those weapons that do not fall under the agreement. That Everything gun with a caliber greater than 100 mm we took. I understand that the terrorists are trying to destabilize the situation. They set specific goals, objectives. The forces ATO ready for any development of the situation and effectively deal with any challenges from insurgents. And the facts of regular violation of terrorists repeatedly Minsk Agreement were recorded. All these data regularly to the representatives of OSCE observation mission, "- said Seleznev.
According to the speaker ATO, in the case of removal of heavy equipment to the front line response Ukrainian security services will be adequate to the situation.
"Where Adventure tight where they are aimed fire, we react and destroy the enemy's firepower, their manpower and equipment," - said Seleznev.
And Ukrainian soldiers and militia unrecognized republics regularly accuse each other of violating the ceasefire.
"In general, for the last night of 20 pm to midnight, militants fired eight times the positions of the forces P, two additional cases of violations of the silence recorded from midnight to 6 am," - said in the press center of the antiterrorist operation.
DNR, in turn, states that Ukrainian soldiers fire on positions of militia more than 40 times.
"During the day, recorded 41 fire during the night 13. The main directions of fire - villages Spartacus Zhabichevo city Gorlovka, as well as mine," October "and the district Donetsk Airport. Losses among militia made two wounded soldiers in the vicinity of the mine and Spartak 6-7 Gorlovki area "- said the representative of the defense department. Information on casualties among the civilian population there," - said in a bulletin from the Ministry of Defence DNR.
Military conflict in eastern Ukraine (Donbas)
In the military conflict in the Donbass (Donetsk and Luhansk region) involved armed pro-Russian militia unrecognized Donetsk ( DNI ) and Lugansk ( LC ), the People's Republic on the one hand, and representatives of the Kiev power structures on the other: the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard and volunteer battalions.
The military phase of the conflict in the Donbass 7 April after the announcement Acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov on the establishment of anti-crisis staff. April 15 Turchynov announced the beginning of the power phase of the military operation. It was a response to the Ukrainian authorities on the armed seizure of administrative buildings, and disagreement residents of the East of the country selected after Euromaidan rate state.
Ukrainian officials have called their actions in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of the antiterrorist operation (ATO). Opposing them rebels called siloviki action Kiev - punitive operation. The International Red Cross awarded the status of this conflict "non-international armed conflict."
March 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted to the Council of the Federation appeal "on the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine" in the course of the conflict. And on June 24, Putin supported by the Federation Council reversed its treatment.
Source: Gazeta.ru
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